Liphoofolo tsa moru oa Atlantic: linonyana, liphoofolo tse anyesang, lihahabi le amphibians

Sengoli: John Stephens
Letsatsi La Creation: 23 Pherekhong 2021
Ntlafatsa Letsatsi: 27 September 2024
Liphoofolo tsa moru oa Atlantic: linonyana, liphoofolo tse anyesang, lihahabi le amphibians - Liphoofolo Tse Ruuoang Lapeng
Liphoofolo tsa moru oa Atlantic: linonyana, liphoofolo tse anyesang, lihahabi le amphibians - Liphoofolo Tse Ruuoang Lapeng


Qalong, Moru oa Atlantic ke setho se entsoeng ke meru ea tlhaho ea mefuta e fapaneng le tikoloho e amanang le eona e seng e ntse e hapile linaha tse 17 tsa Brazil. Ka bomalimabe, kajeno, ho latela lintlha tse tsoang ho Lefapha la Tikoloho, ke 29% feela ea tšireletso ea eona ea mantlha e setseng. [1] Ka bokhutšoanyane, Moru oa Atlantic o kopanya lithaba, lithota, liphula le lihlaba tse nang le lifate tse telele lebopong la naha ea Atlantic le mefuta-futa ea liphoofolo le limela tsa eona[2]tse etsang hore biome ena e be e ikhethang hape e be eona e tlang pele tlhokomelong ea mefuta-futa ea lihloliloeng lefatšeng ka bophara.

Sehloohong sena ke PeritoAnimal re thathamisa lebitso la liphoofolo tsa moru oa Atlantic: linonyana, liphoofolo tse anyesang, lihahabi le amphibians ka linepe le tse ling tsa likarolo tsa eona tse hlahelletseng!

Liphoofolo tsa Leoatle la Atlantic

Lipalesa tsa Moru oa Atlantic li lebisa tlhokomelo ho monono oa eona o fetang Amerika Leboea (mefuta e likete tse 17 tsa limela) le Europe (mefuta e 12,500 ea limela): ho na le mefuta e ka bang likete tse 20 ea limela, tseo re ka li bolelang kotsing. Ha e le liphoofolo tse tsoang Morung oa Atlantic, linomoro ho fihlela qetellong ea sengoloa sena ke:

Liphoofolo tsa Moru oa Atlantic

  • Mefuta e 850 ea linonyana
  • Mefuta e 370 ea liphoofolo tse phelang metsing
  • Mefuta e 200 ea lihahabi
  • Mefuta e 270 ea liphoofolo tse anyesang
  • Mefuta e 350 ea litlhapi

Ka tlase re tseba tse ling tsa tsona.

Linonyana Tsa Meru ea Atlantic

Mefuteng e 850 ea linonyana tse ahileng Morung oa Atlantic, tse 351 li nkuoa li le teng, ke hore li teng moo feela. Tse ling tsa tsona ke:

Woodpecker e mosehla (Celeus flavus subflavus)

Mohetle-patsi o mosehla o teng feela Brazil mme o lula libakeng tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa tsa meru e teteaneng. Ka lebaka la ho rengoa ha meru ea sebaka sa eona sa bolulo, mefuta ena e kotsing ea ho timela.

Jacutinga (jacutinga aburria)

Ena ke e 'ngoe ea liphoofolo tsa Moru oa Atlantic tse teng moo feela, empa ho ntse ho ba thata le ho feta ho fumanoa ka lebaka la kotsi ea ho timela. Jacutinga e lebisa tlhokomelo bakeng sa masiba a eona a matšo, a masoeu fatše le molomo o nang le motsoako oa mebala e fapaneng.

Linonyana tse ling tsa meru ea Atlantic

Haeba u sheba holimo Morung oa Atlantic, ka mahlohonolo a mangata, u ka kopana le tse ling tsa tsona:

  • Araçari-banana (Pteroglossus bailloni)
  • Arapacu-hummingbird (Campylorhamphus trochilirostris trochilirostris)
  • Inhambuguaçu (Crypturellus e felile)
  • Macuco (tinamus solitarius)
  • Ho tsoma grebe (Podilymbus podiceps)
  • Tangara (Chiroxiphia caudata)
  • Letlotlo (Makhethe a Hlollang)
  • Topknot e khubelu (Lophornis magnificus)
  • Thotho e sootho (Cichlopsis leucogenys)
  • Lefifi Oxtail (Tigrisoma fasciatum)

Li-Amphibian tsa Moru oa Atlantic

Mefuta-futa ea limela tsa Moru oa Atlantic le mebala ea eona e mebala-bala e fa baahi ba eona ba phelang metsing:

Khauta ea lerotholi la khauta (Brachycephalus ephippium)

Ha u sheba setšoantšo, ha ho thata ho hakanya lebitso la mofuta ona oa senqanqane se shebahalang joaloka lerotholi le benyang la khauta mokatong oa Moru oa Atlantic. E nyane ka boholo mme e boima ba disentimitara tse 2, e haola ka makgasi mme ha e tlole.

Frog ea senonyana (icteric rhinella)

Ho fapana le mefuta e fetileng, senqanqana sena ke se seng sa liphoofolo tsa Morung oa Atlantic se atisang ho hopoloa ka boholo ba sona bo hlakileng, e leng se hlalosang lebitso la sona la bosoasoi. 'Oxtoad'. Tse tona di ka fihla disentimitara tse 16.6 mme tse tshehadi di le disentimitara tse 19.

Lihahabi tsa Moru oa Atlantic

Tse ling tsa liphoofolo tsa Brazil tseo batho ba li tšabang haholo ke lihahabi tse tsoang Morung oa Atlantic:

Alligator e bosoeu bo bosehla (Caiman latirostris)

Mofuta ona o futsitsoeng ke li-dinosaurs o ajoa ho pholletsa le Moru oa Atlantic oa Brazil linokeng tsa oona, mekhoabong le libakeng tsa metsing. Di ja diphoofolo tse se nang lesapo la mokokotlo le dinyantshi tse nyane mme di ka fihla bolelele ba dimitara tse 3.

Jararaca (Bobeli li-jararaca)

Noha ena e chefo e boima ba limithara tse 1,20 'me e ipata hantle sebakeng sa eona sa tlhaho: mokatong oa moru. E fepa ka di-amphibian kgotsa magotlo a mannye.

Lihahabi tse ling tse tsoang Morung oa Atlantic

Ntle le tse boletsoeng, ho na le mefuta e meng e mengata ea lihahabi tse tsoang Morung oa Atlantic tse hlokang ho hopoloa:

  • Sekolopata se mosehla (Acanthochelys radiolate)
  • Khudu e melala ya noha (Hydromedusa tectifera)
  • Noha ea 'nete ea likorale (Micrurus corallinus)
  • Coral ea Bohata (Apostolepis Assimils)
  • Boa constrictor (constrictor e ntle)

Liphoofolo tse anyesang tsa meru ea Atlantic

Tse ling tsa mefuta ea tšoantšetso ea liphoofolo tsa Moru oa Atlantic ke liphoofolo tsena tse anyesang:

Khauta ea tamunata ea Khauta (Leontopithecus rosalia)

Khauta ea tamarata ea khauta ke mofuta o teng oa mofuta ona ebile ke e 'ngoe ea litšoantšo tse ikhethileng ka ho fetesisa tsa liphoofolo tsa Moru oa Atlantic. Ka masoabi, e kene kotsing.

Muriqui Leboea (Brachyteles hypoxanthus)

Phoofolo e tšehali e kholo ka ho fetisisa e lulang kontinenteng ea Amerika ke e 'ngoe ea liphoofolo tse lulang Morung oa Atlantic, leha e le maemong a eona a bohlokoa a paballo ka lebaka la ho rengoa ha meru ea lehae.

Moratuoa (Leopardus wiedii)

Ena ke e 'ngoe ea liphoofolo tsa Moru oa Atlantic tse ka ferekanngoang le ocelot, haeba e ne e se ka boholo bo fokotsehileng ba katse ea margay.

Ntja ea Bush (Cerdocyon likete tse likete)

Phoofolo ena e anyesang ea lelapa la li-canids e ka hlaha ho mofuta ofe kapa ofe oa Brazil, empa litloaelo tsa bona tsa bosiu ha li lumelle hore li bonahale habonolo. Ba ka ba bang kapa ka lihlopha tsa batho ba ka bang 5.

Lianyesi tse ling tsa Morung oa Atlantic

Mefuta e meng ea liphoofolo tse anyesang e lulang Morung oa Atlantic 'me e tšoaneloa ke ho totobatsoa ke:

  • Howler monkeyAlouatta)
  • Sloth (Folivora)
  • Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
  • Caxinguelê (Boholo ba li-sciurus)
  • Katse e hlaha (tigrinus leopardus)
  • Irara (ho kgorometsa barrarian)
  • SeJaguaritic (Serobele sa Leopardus)
  • Otter (Lutrinae)
  • Monkey ea Capuchin (Sapajus)
  • Tau Tamarin e sefahleho se sefubelu (Leontopithecus caissara)
  • Lengau (panthera onca)
  • Motsoako o motšo (Chaetomys e ts'ehetsa)
  • coati (nasua nasua)
  • rat e hlaha (kholofel oenax)
  • Seboko (Tangara desmaresti)
  • Marmoset e tšoailoeng ka letsoho (callithrix flaviceps)
  • Anteater ea Giant (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)
  • Giant ArmadilloMaximus Priodonts)
  • Furry ArmadilloEuphractus villosus)
  • Pampas Khama (Ozotoceros bezoarticus)

Haeba u batla ho bala lingoliloeng tse ling tse tšoanang le Liphoofolo tsa moru oa Atlantic: linonyana, liphoofolo tse anyesang, lihahabi le amphibians, Re khothaletsa hore o kenye karolo ea rona ea Liphoofolo tse Kotsing.